
How To Use Canva Templates & Bring Them Into Your Account

At Your Essential Toolbox, we offer Canva Templates for your business, so today I want to show you how to take the templates we’ve created and get them into your Canva account.

You’ll be given a Canva Template link when you purchase a product from us through our dashboard.  You’ll want to click that link (sometimes it is in a button on the download page).  Either way you’ll be given instructions.

Step 1: Click the link or download button.

Once you’ve clicked the link you’ll be taken to a page that looks like this:


The template will tell you who it is created by, as well as show you the size, if there are more pages, and then at the bottom, you’ll see the purple button that says, “Use Template” – click that button.

Step 2. Click the button, “Use Template”

Once you’ve clicked that button you’ll see a page that looks like this:


Do you see where it says, “Copy of NameOfProduct”.  This means it was transferred to your Canva account.

Step 3: Save A Copy

Once you have it in your dashboard you can start to use it immediately, but I wouldn’t do that.  You’ll want to save a copy to your dashboard first.

To do that you’ll want to : 

Rename this and save it as NameOfProduct – TEMPLATE.  This means every time you use it you’ll need to save it as a copy and rename to your current project.


There is another way to save this in your account which is as an actual template.  You would want to make it into a template in your Canva dashboard so that whenever you click on the template it will automatically create a copy for you.  This means that if you need to make changes to the original you’ll have to do it before you save it as a template or go into the template to do it.

I won’t be showing you how to do that today but will create another blog post that shows you how to do that.

Step 4: Start Using the Template

Once you’ve saved this in your dashboard you can start using Canva Designs in your business.  You can change the brand to match your colors, move around the elements, change the font, add your site URL, and so much more.

To do that bring up the Canva Template on your screen, go to File, then Make a Copy, then rename the copy to your current project.


Each time you want to use one of these templates, you want to make sure that you Make a Copy and save it to your project title.


P.S. Don’t forget to check out the Zen Garden Canva Template Toolkit which was used in this blog post.

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