
How To Create a Branding Kit In Canva


One feature that I absolutely love in Canva is the branding kit.  Why do I love it?  Because it saves me time.

I add my branding – my colors, my logo, and the fonts that I use.  This saves me time because every template that I create is going to automatically start with my branding colors and fonts.  And if I have a font that isn’t included in Canva’s selection I can add it here as well.

Most of the branding kit isn’t free, but you can add two branding colors.  I would suggest that you do that so that it saves you some time.

This is an important element from Canva, so I’m going to walk through the steps and show you each feature.  Remember that if you have the free account you won’t have access to everything.

You don’t need a paid version – especially when you’re first starting out.  I didn’t have one for years and was able to use it effectively in my business.

Step 1: Get To The Branding Kit

You’re going to see on your left hand side is called the brand kit – click that to get access.

Step 2: Change the Colors

What you’re going to be able to do with your brand kit is to indicate to Canva what your brand colors are in this area. The free version allows you to pick two colors.

If you want to go up to a third color, you would need to upgrade to Canva for work. However, you can use two colors as part of your brand color palette.

Step 3: Upload Your Logo

And one important aspect of the brand kit is that you can upload transparent versions of your logo, which again will give you access inside of Canva to use them along with your brand colors.

Step 4: Indicate Your Brand Fonts

You can also set your brand fonts.  You’ll want to pick two different fonts here.  I like to use a regular type font and a cursive font.  If you’re not sure what looks good, then search for “best font pairings in Canva”.

Basically what you’re going to have access to with their brand kit is to be able to use your entire visual branding in any graphic that you create.

BONUS Feature: Upload Different Fonts

Also in this area, you’re going to be able to do is to upload your own fonts.

This is an upgrade feature and most people won’t use it, but if you need to there is an option to pay for the Canva Business.

Branding is important for your business because it brings a sense of consistency to your business, but you don’t have to upgrade to this feature.  At least not yet.  There might be a time when you do decide to, so I wanted to show you this important feature.

Plus I think that you should go in and add two branding colors for free.

Have a great and productive day!


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