
Canva Template Basics: Using Elements and Text Elements


When you’re using Canva Templates you’ll need to know and understand are the elements.  So what are elements?

Elements are each piece that you use when working in Canva such as lines, shapes, frames, charts, grids, backgrounds, fonts, images, and gradients.  They are the nuts and bolts of working with Canva.

How To Use Elements

Every time that you click on or highlight one of the elements that you place down – like an image, an icon, or text – you’re going to see that there’s going to be a menu at the top.  The menu will include all of those things that pertain to this particular element that you want to use.

Take a look at the example below.  I’ve highlighted the gray text that says, “Heading Title Here”.

If you place the cursor on top of a different element, what you’ll notice is that the elements change, and the menu changes.

But back to our example…

If you place your cursor on top of this element, the menu will show you all of the aspects of this element you can change.  All of these are things that you can do to this particular element.

So if you’d like to change the product to your brand color – you’ll go to the A with the gray underline and click on that.

You’ll be brought to this:

You’ll want to click on the new color and use your HEX color to change to your branding color.

Then scroll to the bottom and look on the right hand side.  You’ll find a check with the words, “Change all” with the old color and your new brand color.  Click that box and all of the gray branding in this Canva Template will change.

Whenever you want to change or work with any elements, you’ll want to highlight it first (click on it).  As you see from the example above it’ll let you know when it is highlighted so that you can begin working on it.

Here are the elements I would change in the Canva Template to make them match your branding:

  1. The colors – you’ll want to change all the colors to match your branding.
  2. Add a title for your lead magnet.  You might have to work with the text to ensure it still looks good.  It will depend on if the title is long or short what you’ll want to do.
  3. Add the eCover title in the blank tablet screen.  To do that when your lead magnet is finished – you’ll download the eCover onto your desktop and then upload to Canva.  Then drag the eCover over to the tablet screen.
  4. If you’re using a template with more than one page you’ll also want to pick your best page and upload that to use as well.
  5. You could also add you’re your domain URL at the bottom, but since this is an in blog post it isn’t necessary.  If you plan to repurpose the graphic on a different platform then I would definitely add it.

Now I want to go over the text element so that you’re able to add your title, move it around and make it the size that you want it to be.

To do this you’ll want to click in the text element you want to change.  Then start typing your title.

3 Steps To Use the Text Element in Your Canva Templates

  1. Pull the side bar on the right.  I’ve labeled it 1.  Make sure all of your text fits across the screen in the amount of lines you want.  You’ll know you can adjust when you see the black double arrow.
  2. Then go to the corner and adjust the font element where you’d like it.  Make it bigger or smaller.  You’ll know you can adjust when you see the black double arrow.
  3. Move the text element where you want it to go.  To do this make sure you have the white t with the arrows (or the arrows going in four directions).

Take a look at the image below for the steps.

So position the text element where you want it. Of course, just as you had with the elements menu when you click inside of this element, you have a menu that you can change.  You’ll be able to change the font, size of the font, the color of the font and even the orientation of the font.

Canva is super easy and that is why we use this amazing editing software at Your Essential Toolbox.

~April Lemarr

P.S. Did you see the blog post about How To Create a Branding Kit In Canva?

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How To Create a Branding Kit In Canva

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